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Clustered MQTT Broker

A custom MQTT broker developed to handle communications between IoT devices and cloud services.

Built using mqtt_cpp open-source project.


Initially a websocket based high performance and highly scalable services were developed to handle the communications. Unfortunately websocket libraries are not readily available in the embedded C space, and hence the sensor firmware development company recommended use of the popular MQTT protocol.

I set up an AWS IoT core service and also developed a very simple listener daemon on the cloud. This scheme works very well, but it opened up some questions about potential data loss, since MQTT is a very rudimentary pub/sub based protocol, and does not have strong loss-less message delivery guarantees that streaming protocols like kafka introduced.

To get around these limitations, I decided to implement our own MQTT broker, which would take care of message persistence and provide us the strong loss-less guarantee that we were looking for.


I followed the same overall design that the mqtt_cpp project code samples and test suite used. A common broker implementation that implemented the various MQTT protocol handlers, and two wrapping services - TLS and non-TLS.

An advantage of the custom broker implementation is that there is no need for each message from the IoT device to carry along the device identifier (a GUID assigned to the device by the device manufacturer or firmware). The device identifier is specified as the clientId when connecting to the MQTT broker. This information is normally not available to a subscriber, but since we are handling the messages on the broker, we have access to the clientId.


All messages received by the broker are persisted to the same backend MongoDB database that the rest of the cloud services use.


All subscriptions by clients are saved to the mqtt.subscription collection. This enables support for cleanSession: false when a client establishes a connection to the broker.

The structure of a persisted subscription is as shown:

{ "_id" : {"$oid": "5d958499c88c526e030306c1"}, "topic" : "/local/+/message", "clientId" : "listener:db:local", "wildcard": "+", "qos" : 1, "created" : {"$date": "2019-10-03T05:18:17.408Z"} }

Wildcard Topics

Wildcard topics (+ and #) are supported by pre-parsing the topic name and storing a wildcard field in the document. When retrieving the subscriber list to disseminate incoming messages to, subscribers that specified topic names with wildcard patterns are retrieved and then compared for match with the message topic.

It would be possible to build a more optimal query by translating the wildcard topic pattern into a appropriate Mongo regex query, but for our usecase it is an overkill trying to implement a topic pattern as a Mongo regex DSL.


Messages received by the broker are persisted to the mqtt.message collection. These documents have a TTL index set to purge automatically after 365 days.

The structure of a persisted message is as shown:

{ "_id" : {"$oid": "5d99d33f2a0886257e0014c8"}, "topic" : "/coordinates", "data" : "66.6666,-88.8888", "clientId" : "MQTT_FX_Client", "qos" : 0, "retain" : true, "created" : {"$date": "2019-10-06T11:42:55.030Z"}, "host" : "rakesh-mbp.local" }

where data is the message payload. In our case, we only receive CSV messages, hence the payload is stored as a string. For more general purpose use, they would be saved as binary type.

Published Messages

All published messages are persisted to the mqtt.publishedMessage collection. This allows tracking of messages that have been delivered to a client, and also ensures that every subscriber (even if off-line for a while) receives every message that was published to the topics of interest. These documents have a TTL index set to purge after a period of 30 days.

The structure of a published message looks like the following:

{ "_id" : {"$oid": "5d9b88935796f916e56c0cb4"}, "clientId" : "MQTT_FX_Client", "topic" : "test", "messageId" : {"$oid": "5d9b885dffe3e3b8b9c2b1f9"}, "host" : "rakesh-mbp.local", "created" : {"$date": "2019-10-07T18:48:51.142Z"} }


All state - client subscriptions, messages, published messages etc. - are captured in the backend Mongo database. This allows clustering of the brokers, since messages received on one broker can also be delivered to clients connected to other brokers in the cluster (assuming they are subscribed to the same topic).

When the broker receives either a ping or a publish request, the broker queries the database for messages published to topics the client has subscribed to from other hosts in the cluster. Any messages that were previously not published to the client are published at this stage.


As noted previously, the implementation supports operating with or without TLS enabled. If TLS support is required, the following types of certificates are needed:

  • Server

    • Root CA. Certificate for the root certificate authority.

    • Server certificate. PEM format certificate identifying the server and the DNS name for the server.

    • Server key - Certificate key file for the server.

  • Client

    • Root CA. Same as the one used with server.

    • Client certificate. PEM format certificate for the client. Based on OpenSSL documentation and local testing, this seems optional.

    • Client key - Certificate key file for the client. As with client certificate this seems optional.


Configuration such as database connection information, certificate files, TLS etc. are configured via config-db as the rest of the services in the cloud stack.

  • /iot/mqtt/tls - Specify true|false to enable or disable TLS. Default false.

  • /iot/mqtt/cacert - Path to Root CA certificate file.

  • /iot/mqtt/serverCert - Path to server certificate file.

  • /iot/mqtt/serverKey - Path to server certificate key file.

MQTT Broker
Last modified: 18 February 2025