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Utility applications to interact with the database are provided. These are deployed to the /opt/spt/bin directory.


The configsh application provides a shell to interact with the database. The server should be running and the TCP port open for the application to connect.

The following command line options are supported by the shell:

  • -s | --server The TCP server hostname to connect to. Default localhost.

  • -p | --port The TCP port to connect to. Default 2020 (2022 on Mac OS X).

  • -t | --with-ssl Flag to connect over SSL to the server.

  • -l | --log-level The level for the logger. Accepted values debug|info|warn|critical. Default info.

  • -o | --log-dir The directory to write log files to. The path must end with a trailing /. Default /tmp/.

The following shows a simple CRUD type interaction via the shell.

/opt/spt/bin/configsh --server localhost --port 2022 --log-level debug --log-dir /tmp/ Enter commands followed by <ENTER> Enter help for help about commands Enter exit or quit to exit shell configdb> help Available commands ls <path> - To list child node names. Eg. [ls /] get <key> - To get configured value for key. Eg. [get /key1/key2/key3] set <key> <value> - To set value for key. Eg. [set /key1/key2/key3 Some long value. Note no surrounding quotes] mv <key> <destination> - To move value for key to destination. Eg. [mv /key1/key2/key3 /key/key2/key3] rm <key> - To remove configured key. Eg. [rm /key1/key2/key3] import <path to file> - To bulk import key-values from file. Eg. [import /tmp/kvps.txt] configdb> set /key1/key2/key3 {"glossary":{"title":"example glossary","GlossDiv":{"title":"S","GlossList":{"GlossEntry":{"ID":"SGML","SortAs":"SGML","GlossTerm":"Standard Generalized Markup Language","Acronym":"SGML","Abbrev":"ISO 8879:1986","GlossDef":{"para":"A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.","GlossSeeAlso":["GML","XML"]},"GlossSee":"markup"}}}}} Set key /key1/key2/key3 configdb> ls / key1 configdb> ls /key1 key2 configdb> ls /key1/key2 key3 configdb> get /key1/key2/key3 {"glossary":{"title":"example glossary","GlossDiv":{"title":"S","GlossList":{"GlossEntry":{"ID":"SGML","SortAs":"SGML","GlossTerm":"Standard Generalized Markup Language","Acronym":"SGML","Abbrev":"ISO 8879:1986","GlossDef":{"para":"A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.","GlossSeeAlso":["GML","XML"]},"GlossSee":"markup"}}}}} configdb> set /key1/key2/key3 some long value with spaces and "quoted" text. Set key /key1/key2/key3 configdb> get /key1/key2/key3 some long value with spaces and "quoted" text. configdb> rm /key1/key2/key3 Removed key /key1/key2/key3 configdb> ls / Error retrieving path / configdb> import /tmp/import.txt Imported (5/5) keys from file /tmp/import.txt configdb> exit Bye


The configctl application provides a simple means for interacting with the database server. Use it to execute single actions against the service when required.

Note: Unlike the shell application, values specified as command line argument must be quoted if they contain spaces or other special characters.

The server should be running and the TCP port open for the application to connect.

The following command line options are supported by the CLI application:

  • -s | --server The TCP server hostname to connect to. Default localhost.

  • -p | --port The TCP port to connect to. Default 2020 (2022 on Mac OS X).

  • -t | --with-ssl Flag to connect over SSL to the server.

  • -l | --log-level The level for the logger. Accepted values debug|info|warn|critical. Default info.

  • -o | --log-dir The directory to write log files to. The path must end with a trailing /. Default /tmp/.

  • -f | --file The file to bulk import into the database. If specified, other commands are ignored.

  • -a | --action The action to perform. One of get|set|move|delete|list.

  • -k | --key The key to act upon.

  • -v | --value The value to set. For move this is the destination path.

See sample integration test suite.

The following shows a simple CRUD type interaction via the cli. These were using the default values for server [-s|--server] and port [-p|--port] options.

spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a list -k / Error retrieving path / spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a set -k /test -v value Set value for key /test spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a list -k / test spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a set -k /test -v value Set value for key /test spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a set -k /test -v "value modified" Set value for key /test spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a get -k /test value modified spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a move -k /test -v /test1 Moved key /test to /test1 spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a delete -k /test1 Removed key /test1 spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -a list -k / Error listing path /

Bulk Import

A special -f | --file option is supported for bulk importing key-value pairs from a file. The input file must contain lines where each line represents a key-value pair. The text before the first space character is interpreted as the key, and the rest of the line as the value.

/a/b/c string value /a/b/d 13

Note: The entire file is imported as a single transaction. The input file must be small enough to buffer the requests and transaction in memory.

spt:/home/spt $ cat /tmp/import.txt /a/b/c a long string /a/b/d another long value /a/c/e 1234 /a/c/f 45765789 /a/c/g 123.347 spt:/home/spt $ /opt/spt/bin/configctl -f /tmp/import.txt Set 5 keys


A seed-configdb utility is provided to seed the database. This can be used to pre-populate the database before the service is started.

Note: This will fail if the service is already running (database locked by running process).

The following command line options are supported by the seed application:

  • -c | --conf Optional JSON configuration file that controls the database storage location.

  • -f | --file The data file to import. The input file must contain lines where each line represents a key-value pair. The text before the first space character is interpreted as the key, and the rest of the line as the value.

  • -l | --log-level The level for the logger. Accepted values debug|info|warn|critical. Default info.

  • -o | --log-dir The directory to write log files to. The path must end with a trailing /. Default /tmp/.

Last modified: 18 February 2025