A concept that defines the minimum expected interface for a user defined Response structure.
// Created by Rakesh on 06/01/2025.
#pragma once
#include <concepts>
#include <span>
#include <nghttp2/asio_http2_server.h>
namespace spt::http2::framework
template <typename T>
concept Response = requires( T t, std::span<const std::string> methods, std::span<const std::string> origins )
/// Construct a response object using any relevant client request headers.
requires std::constructible_from<T, const nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map&>;
std::is_same<decltype(T::body), std::string>{};
std::is_same<decltype(T::filePath), std::string>{};
std::is_same<decltype(T::status), uint16_t>{};
/// Set internal state using supported HTTP method/verb and configured origins for server.
{ t.set( methods, origins ) };
A simple wrapper around a nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request
object. Used to ensure that important data such as the request method, path, query
and headers
are available in the worker threads even if the client closes the connection while the request is being processed.
// Created by Rakesh on 06/01/2025.
#pragma once
#include <nghttp2/asio_http2_server.h>
namespace spt::http2::framework
struct Request
explicit Request( const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req ) :
header{ req.header() }, method{ req.method() },
path{ req.uri().path }, query{ req.uri().raw_query },
remoteEndpoint{ req.remote_endpoint().address().to_string() } {}
~Request() = default;
Request(Request&&) = default;
Request& operator=(Request&&) = default;
Request(const Request&) = delete;
Request& operator=(const Request&) = delete;
nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map header;
std::string method;
std::string path;
std::string query;
std::string remoteEndpoint;
Simple structure used to configure the server. Most fields have a default value, but the origins
field must be set with the origins the server will handle.
// Created by Rakesh on 07/01/2025.
#pragma once
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/asio/socket_base.hpp>
namespace spt::http2::framework
struct Configuration
/// The HTTP method/verb's that are to be sent back in a OPTIONS response. Customise as appropriate.
std::vector<std::string> corsMethods{ "DELETE", "GET", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT" };
/// The origins supported by this server instance.
/// __Note:__ There is no default value for this. Users __must__ assign domains as appropriate.
std::vector<std::string> origins;
/// The hostname to bind to. Default is to bind on all local hostnames.
std::string host{ "" };
/// The number of server threads for handling requests. The `boost::asio::io_context` instance
/// is `run` on the specified number of threads.
std::size_t numberOfServerThreads{ std::thread::hardware_concurrency() };
/// The number of worker threads for handling requests. Client requests are routed
/// to the configured handler function, which is run on a worker thread pool. This is
/// done to offload processing from the server request handling event loop. Default is
/// 2x number of CPU cores.
std::size_t numberOfWorkerThreads{ 2 * std::thread::hardware_concurrency() };
/// The maximum size of payload a client can submit to an endpoint. If payload exceeds
/// this size, server will respond with a `413` status.
uint32_t maxPayloadSize{ 1024 * 1024 };
/// The maximum length of the queue of pending incoming connections at the socket level.
/// Defaults to `boost::asio::socket_base::max_listen_connections`
int16_t backlog{ boost::asio::socket_base::max_listen_connections };
/// The port to listen on. Default 9000.
uint16_t port{ 9000 };
A server instance which can be configured with the desired endpoint handler functions to respond to client requests. The framework assumes the server will handle only text input (JSON, YAML, ...) as is common with API implementations. The user defined Response
object conforming to the Response concept
should be specified as the template type for the server instance.
// Created by Rakesh on 07/01/2025.
#pragma once
#include "configuration.hpp"
#include "router.hpp"
#include "stream.hpp"
#include <charconv>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/asio/thread_pool.hpp>
#include <boost/pfr/core_name.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fmt/ranges.h>
namespace spt::http2::framework
* HTTP2 server instance. Configure parameters using the `Configuration` structure. Add endpoint handlers
* using the `addHandler` method. Start the server after setting up all the handlers.
* Keep the calling process alive using some standard strategy.
* \code{.cpp}
* #include <http2/framework/server.hpp>
* struct Response
* {
* Response( const nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map& headers )
* {
* // Fetch any necessary request header values.
* }
* void set( std::span<const std::string> methods, std::span<const std::string> origins )
* {
* // Set response headers as appropriate using the desired methods to specify CORS headers as appropriate.
* }
* };
* auto conf = spt::http2::framework::Configuration{};
* conf.port = 8080;
* conf.origins = std::vector{ "https://dashboard.sptci.com", "https://admin.sptci.com", "https://app.sptci.com" };
* auto server = spt::http2::framework::Server<Response>{ conf };
* // Add handlers similar to:
* server.addHandler( "GET", "/some/path/{param}", []( const spt::http2::framework::RoutingRequest& rr, const auto& params )
* {
* auto resp = Response( rr.req.header );
* resp.headers.emplace( "content-type", "application/json" );
* resp.body = boost::json::serialize( boost::json::object{
* { "code", 200 },
* { "cause", "ok" },
* { "parameter", params.at( "param" ) }
* } );
* return resp;
* } );
* server.start();
* // Run until signal to stop is received
* auto ioc = boost::asio::io_context{};
* boost::asio::signal_set signals( ioc, SIGINT, SIGTERM );
* signals.async_wait( [&server](auto const&, int) { server.stop(); } );
* ioc.run();
* \endcode
* @tparam Resp The response type that will be generated from the endpoint handlers.
template <Response Resp>
struct Server
* Create a server instance using specified configuration. Server implementation
* expects only text data (JSON, YAML, ...) being submitted to endpoints.
* @param config The server configuration object.
explicit Server( const Configuration& config ) : configuration{ config }, pool{ config.numberOfWorkerThreads } { init(); }
/// A call back function used to scan any data submitted to the service. Implement desired logic such
/// as scanning for tags, scripts, invalid characters ... as appropriate.
using Scanner = std::function<bool( std::string_view )>;
* Create a server instance using specified configuration and input scanner function. Scanner
* function should _validate_ the input data and either _approve_ or _reject_ the content. Server implementation
* expects only text data (JSON, YAML, ...) being submitted to endpoints. Server will send a `400` response
* if the function returns `false`.
* @param config The server configuration object.
* @param scanner Function to invoke when client sends payload in request (assume text data). If function
* returns `false`, a `413` response is sent to client.
explicit Server( const Configuration& config, Scanner&& scanner ) :
configuration{ config }, pool{ config.numberOfWorkerThreads }, scanner{ std::move( scanner ) }
~Server() { stop(); }
* @param method The HTTP method/verb for which the handler is being registered.
* @param path The HTTP resource path for which the handler is being registered.
* @param handler The handler function to which requests will be routed.
* @param ref Optional reference to associate with the path when outputting the YAML for all handlers.
void addHandler( std::string_view method, std::string_view path, typename Router<Resp>::Handler&& handler, std::string_view ref = {} )
router.add( method, path, std::move( handler ), ref );
* Start the server. Invoke this after setting up the endpoint handlers.
void start()
LOG_INFO << "Starting server on " << configuration.host << ":" << configuration.port;
#if BOOST_VERSION > 108600
auto obj = boost::json::object{};
boost::pfr::for_each_field_with_name( configuration, [&obj](std::string_view name, const auto& value)
obj.emplace( name, fmt::format( "{}", value ) );
} );
LOG_INFO << boost::json::serialize( obj );
boost::system::error_code ec;
if ( server.listen_and_serve( ec, configuration.host, std::to_string( configuration.port ), true ) )
LOG_CRIT << "error: " << ec.message();
throw std::runtime_error( ec.message() );
* Stop the server. Stops the worker pool and server and joins on all outstanding threads.
void stop()
LOG_INFO << "Stopping server on " << configuration.host << ":" << configuration.port;
void init()
server.backlog( configuration.backlog );
server.num_threads( configuration.numberOfServerThreads );
server.handle( "/", [this](const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req, const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::response& res)
handle( req, res );
void handlePayload( const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req, const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::response& res )
auto body = std::make_shared<std::string>();
const auto error = []( uint16_t code, std::string_view msg, const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::response& res )
res.write_head( code, { { "content-type", { "application/json; charset=utf-8", false } } } );
res.end( boost::json::serialize( boost::json::object{ { "code", code }, { "cause", msg } } ) );
auto [pathMatches, methodMatches] = router.canRoute( req.method(), req.uri().path );
if ( !pathMatches ) return error( 404, "Not Found", res );
if ( !methodMatches ) return error( 405, "Method Not Allowed", res );
auto iter = req.header().find( "content-length"s );
if ( iter == req.header().end() ) iter = req.header().find( "Content-Length"s );
if ( iter == req.header().end() )
body->reserve( 2048 );
uint32_t length{};
auto [ptr, ec] { std::from_chars( iter->second.value.data(), iter->second.value.data() + iter->second.value.size(), length ) };
if ( ec == std::errc() )
if ( length > configuration.maxPayloadSize ) return error( 413, "Payload Too Large", res );
body->reserve( length );
LOG_WARN << "Invalid content-length: " << iter->second.value;
body->reserve( 2048 );
req.on_data([body, &req, &res, &error, this](const uint8_t* chars, std::size_t size)
if ( size )
body->append( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( chars ), size );
if ( body->size() > configuration.maxPayloadSize ) return error( 413, "Payload Too Large", res );
if ( scanner && !scanner( *body ) ) return error( 400, "Prohibited input", res );
auto stream = std::make_shared<Stream<Resp>>( req, res, router, body );
res.on_close( [stream]([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t errorCode)
if ( errorCode ) LOG_INFO << "Client closed connection with error " << errorCode;
stream->close( true );
} );
boost::asio::post( pool, [stream, this]{ stream->process( pool, configuration ); } );
void handle( const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req, const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::response& res )
if ( req.method() == "OPTIONS" ) return cors( req, res, configuration );
if ( req.method() == "POST" || req.method() == "PUT" || req.method() == "PATCH" )
return handlePayload( req, res );
auto stream = std::make_shared<Stream<Resp>>( req, res, router );
res.on_close( [stream]([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t errorCode)
if ( errorCode ) LOG_INFO << "Client closed connection with error " << errorCode;
stream->close( true );
} );
LOG_DEBUG << "Enqueueing " << req.method() << " request for " << req.uri().path;
boost::asio::post( pool, [stream, this]{ stream->process( pool, configuration ); } );
Configuration configuration;
boost::asio::thread_pool pool;
nghttp2::asio_http2::server::http2 server;
Router<Resp> router;
Scanner scanner;
Simple `Response` structure that conforms to the `concept` as used in the test suite.
struct Response
Response( const nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map& headers )
auto iter = headers.find( "origin" );
if ( iter == std::cend( headers ) ) iter = headers.find( "Origin" );
if ( iter == std::cend( headers ) ) return;
origin = iter->second.value;
~Response() = default;
Response(Response&&) = default;
Response& operator=(Response&&) = default;
Response(const Response&) = delete;
Response& operator=(const Response&) = delete;
void set( std::span<const std::string> methods, std::span<const std::string> origins )
headers = nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map{
{ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", { std::format( "{:n:}", methods ), false } },
{ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", { "*, authorization", false } },
{ "content-type", { "application/json; charset=utf-8", false } },
{ "content-length", { std::to_string( body.size() ), false } }
if ( compressed )
headers.emplace( "content-encoding", nghttp2::asio_http2::header_value{ "gzip", false } );
if ( origin.empty() ) return;
const auto iter = std::ranges::find( origins, origin );
if ( iter != std::ranges::end( origins ) )
headers.emplace( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", nghttp2::asio_http2::header_value{ origin, false } );
headers.emplace( "Vary", nghttp2::asio_http2::header_value{ "Origin", false } );
else LOG_WARN << "Origin " << origin << " not allowed";
nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map headers;
std::string body{ "{}" };
std::string filePath;
std::string origin;
uint16_t status{ 200 };
bool compressed{ false };