Template functions for handling common CRUD requests for a REST API service.
// Created by Rakesh on 15/02/2021.
#pragma once
#include "common.hpp"
#include "db/repository.hpp"
#include "db/filter/between.hpp"
#include "model/entities.hpp"
#include "model/entitiesquery.hpp"
#include "util/cache.hpp"
#include "util/config.hpp"
#include "validate/validate.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <bsoncxx/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <log/NanoLog.hpp>
#include <mongo-service/common/util/bson.hpp>
#include <mongo-service/common/util/date.hpp>
namespace spt::http2::rest::handlers
using std::operator""s;
using std::operator""sv;
using model::Model;
namespace ptemplate
template <Model M>
bool canRead( const M& m, const model::JwtToken& token )
if ( !hasEntityAccess( m.EntityType(), token ) ) return false;
if ( token.user.role == model::Role::superuser ) return true;
// implement other rules as appropriate
return true; // return result of applying rules
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto create( const Request& req,
std::string_view payload, const std::vector<std::string>& methods,
AuthFunction&& authfn, bool skipVersion = false ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling POST request for " << req.path;
if ( payload.empty() )
LOG_WARN << "Request to " << req.path << " did not include payload.";
return error( 400, "No payload"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto m = M{ payload };
if ( m.id != model::DEFAULT_OID )
LOG_WARN << "Create entity payload included id. " << payload;
return error( 400, "Cannot specify id"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [vstatus, vmesg, vtime] = validate::validate( m, *jwt );
if ( vstatus != 200 )
return error( vstatus, vmesg, methods, req.header );
m.id = bsoncxx::oid{};
auto [status, time] = db::create( m, skipVersion );
if ( status != 200 )
return error( status, "Error creating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const simdjson::simdjson_error& e )
LOG_WARN << "JSON parse error processing " << req.path << ". " << e.what();
return error( 400, "Error parsing payload"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error creating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto at( const Request& req, std::string_view timestamp, std::string_view payload, const std::vector<std::string>& methods,
AuthFunction&& authfn, bool skipVersion = false ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling POST request for " << req.path;
if ( payload.empty() )
LOG_WARN << "Request to " << req.path << " did not include payload.";
return error( 400, "No payload"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( timestamp.empty() )
LOG_WARN << "Request to " << req.path << " did not include timestamp.";
return error( 400, "No timestamp"sv, methods, req.header );
auto ts = spt::util::parseISO8601( timestamp );
if ( !ts.has_value() )
LOG_WARN << "Invalid timestamp: " << timestamp;
return error( 400, "Invalid timestamp"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto m = M{ payload };
if ( m.id != model::DEFAULT_OID )
LOG_WARN << "Create entity payload included id. " << payload;
return error( 400, "Cannot specify id"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [vstatus, vmesg, vtime] = validate::validate( m, *jwt );
if ( vstatus != 200 )
return error( vstatus, vmesg, methods, req.header );
m.id = spt::util::generateId( *ts, bsoncxx::oid{} );
auto count = 0;
while ( count < 10 ) // since we are generating id at specified time, ensure there is no clash
auto [status, time, opt] = db::retrieve<M>( m.id );
if ( opt )
m.id = spt::util::generateId( *ts, bsoncxx::oid{} );
else break;
m.metadata.created = *ts;
auto [status, time] = db::create( m, skipVersion );
if ( status != 200 )
return error( status, "Error creating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const simdjson::simdjson_error& e )
LOG_WARN << "JSON parse error processing " << req.path << ". " << e.what();
return error( 400, "Error parsing payload"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error creating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto update( const Request& req, std::string_view payload, std::string_view entityId,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling PUT request for " << req.path;
if ( payload.empty() )
LOG_WARN << "Request to " << req.path << " did not include payload.";
return error( 400, "No payload"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt )
return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) )
return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto m = M{ payload };
if ( m.id.to_string() != entityId )
LOG_WARN << "Update entity id " << m.id <<
" not same as path " << entityId << ". " << spt::util::json::str( m );
return error( 400, "Incorrect id"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [vstatus, vmesg, vtime] = validate::validate( m, *jwt );
if ( vstatus != 200 )
return error( vstatus, vmesg, methods, req.header );
std::optional<bsoncxx::oid> restoredFrom = std::nullopt;
if ( auto iter = req.header.find( "x-spt-restored-from" ); iter != req.header.end() ) restoredFrom = spt::util::parseId( iter->second.value );
auto [status, time] = db::update( m, false, restoredFrom );
if ( status != 200 )
return error( status, "Error updating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
if ( auto p = model::pipeline<M>(); !p.empty() )
const auto [mstatus, mtime, mopt] = db::retrieve<M>( m.id, m.customer.code );
if ( mopt ) ss << *mopt;
else ss << m;
else ss << m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const simdjson::simdjson_error& e )
LOG_WARN << "JSON parse error processing " << req.path << ". " << e.what();
return error( 400, "Error parsing payload"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error updating entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto get( const Request& req, std::string_view entityId, const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt )
return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) )
return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto id = spt::util::parseId( entityId );
if ( !id )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid id " << entityId;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::retrieve<M>( *id );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
if ( !ptemplate::canRead( *m, *jwt ) )
return error( 403, "User not allowed to view entity"sv, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename ValueType, typename AuthFunction>
auto get( const Request& req, std::string_view property, ValueType value,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn,
bool caseInsensitive = false ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt )
return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) )
return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::retrieve<M,ValueType>( property, value, caseInsensitive );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
if ( !ptemplate::canRead( *m, *jwt ) )
return error( 403, "User not allowed to view entity"sv, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto retrieveAll( const Request& req,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [qstatus, eq] = parseQuery( req );
if ( qstatus != 200 || !eq ) return error( 400, "Invalid query"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto query = bsoncxx::builder::stream::document{};
if ( eq->after )
auto oid = spt::util::parseId( *eq->after );
if ( !oid )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid after " << *eq->after;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
query <<
"_id" <<
bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_document <<
( eq->descending ? "$lt" : "$gt" ) << *oid <<
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::query<M>( query << bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize, *eq );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename ValueType, typename AuthFunction>
auto retrieveAll( const Request& req,
std::string_view property, ValueType value,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [qstatus, eq] = parseQuery( req );
if ( qstatus != 200 || !eq ) return error( 400, "Invalid query"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto query = bsoncxx::builder::stream::document{};
query << property << value;
if ( eq->after )
auto oid = spt::util::parseId( *eq->after );
if ( !oid )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid after " << *eq->after;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
query <<
"_id" <<
bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_document <<
( eq->descending ? "$lt" : "$gt" ) << *oid <<
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::query<M>( query << bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize, *eq );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto between( const Request& req,
std::string_view property,
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start,
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods,
AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [qstatus, eq] = parseQuery( req );
if ( qstatus != 200 || !eq )
return error( 400, "Invalid query"sv, methods, req.header );
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto filter = db::filter::Between{};
filter.field = property;
filter.from = start;
filter.to = end;
filter.descending = eq->descending;
if ( eq->after )
const auto a = spt::util::parseISO8601( *eq->after );
if ( !a.has_value() )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid after " << *eq->after;
return error( 400, a.error(), methods, req.header );
filter.after = a.value();
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::between<M>( std::move( filter ), *eq );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entities"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto refcounts( const Request& req,
std::string_view entityId, const std::vector<std::string>& methods,
AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto id = spt::util::parseId( entityId );
if ( !id )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid id " << entityId;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::refcounts<M>( *id );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error counting references to entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( mstatus == 404 || !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error deleting entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto remove( const Request& req, std::string_view entityId,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling DELETE request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto id = spt::util::parseId( entityId );
if ( !id )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid id " << entityId;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime] = db::remove<M>( *id );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 ) return error( mstatus, "Error deleting entity"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( mstatus == 404 ) return error( mstatus, methods, req.header );
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error deleting entity"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto versionHistorySummary( const Request& req, std::string_view entityId,
const std::vector<std::string>& methods, AuthFunction&& authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto id = spt::util::parseId( entityId );
if ( !id )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid id " << entityId;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::versionHistorySummary<M>( *id );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity history summaries"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity history summaries"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
template <Model M, typename AuthFunction>
auto versionHistoryDocument( const Request& req,
std::string_view historyId, const std::vector<std::string>& methods,
AuthFunction authfn ) -> Response
LOG_INFO << "Handling GET request for " << req.path;
auto [astatus, jwt] = authorise( req );
if ( astatus != 200 || !jwt ) return error( astatus, methods, req.header );
if ( !authfn( M::EntityType(), *jwt ) ) return error( 401, methods, req.header );
auto id = spt::util::parseId( historyId );
if ( !id )
LOG_INFO << "Rejecting request for " << req.path << " with invalid id " << historyId;
return error( 400, methods, req.header );
auto [mstatus, mtime, m] = db::versionHistoryDocument<M>( *id );
if ( mstatus != 200 && mstatus != 404 )
return error( mstatus, "Error retrieving entity history document"sv, methods, req.header );
if ( !m ) return error( 404, methods, req.header );
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *m;
auto [out, compressed] = shouldCompress( req ) ? compress( ss ) : Output{ ss.str(), false };
LOG_INFO << "Writing response for " << req.path;
auto resp = Response{ req.header };
resp.jwt = jwt;
resp.body = std::move( out );
resp.correlationId = correlationId( req );
resp.compressed = compressed;
resp.set( methods );
resp.entity = M::EntityType();
return resp;
catch ( const bsoncxx::exception& b )
LOG_WARN << "BSON error processing " << req.path << ". " << b.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 417, "Error retrieving entity history summaries"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
LOG_WARN << "Error processing request " << req.path << ". " << ex.what();
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
catch ( ... )
LOG_WARN << "Unexpected error processing request " << req.path << ". ";
LOG_WARN << util::stacktrace();
return error( 500, "Internal server error"sv, methods, req.header );
Sample showing adding API endpoint routes to the router. Delegates request processing to the appropriate template functions.
// Created by Rakesh on 13/02/2021.
#include "http/common.hpp"
#include "http/template.hpp"
void spt::http2::rest::handlers::addRoutes( http2::framework::Router<Response>& router )
static const std::array methods{ "DELETE"s, "GET"s, "OPTIONS"s, "POST"s, "PUT"s };
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto&& )
return retrieveAll<model::User>( req.req, methods, &userRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/root"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/id/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return get<model::User>( req.req, args["id"sv], methods, &userRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/id"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/identifier/{identifier}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return get<model::User, std::string_view>( req.req, "identifier"sv, args["identifier"sv], methods, &userRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/identifier"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/count/references/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return refcounts<model::User>( req.req, args["id"sv], methods, &userRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/refcount"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/history/summary/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return versionHistorySummary<model::User>( req.req, args["id"sv], methods, &superuserRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/historySummary"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/history/document/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return versionHistoryDocument<model::User>( req.req, args["id"sv], methods, &superuserRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/historyDocument"sv );
router.add( "GET"sv, "/entity/user/{type}/between/{start}/{end}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
auto type = args["type"sv];
if ( type != "created"sv && type != "modified"sv ) return error( 404, methods, req.req.header );
auto prop = std::format( "metadata.{}"sv, type );
auto svar = spt::util::parseISO8601( args["start"sv] );
if ( !svar.has_value() )
LOG_WARN << "Invalid start date in path " << req.req.path;
return error( 400, svar.error(), methods, req.req.header );
auto evar = spt::util::parseISO8601( args["end"sv] );
if ( !evar.has_value() )
LOG_WARN << "Invalid end date in path " << req.req.path;
return error( 400, evar.error(), methods, req.req.header );
return between<model::User>( req.req, prop, svar.value(), evar.value(), methods, &userRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/between"sv );
router.add( "POST"sv, "/entity/user/"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto&& )
return create<model::User>( req.req, req.body, methods, &adminRole );
}, "./paths/user.yaml#/root"sv );
router.add( "PUT"sv, "/entity/user/id/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return update<model::User>( req.req, req.body, args["id"sv], methods, &adminRole );
} );
router.add( "DELETE"sv, "/entity/user/id/{id}"sv, []( const http2::framework::RoutingRequest& req, auto args )
return remove<model::User>( req.req, args["id"sv], methods, &adminRole );
} );